Monday, 15 April 2013

Later English Civil War Royalists 1645

In preparation for the League of Ancients Renaissance tournament (how oxymoronic :-), I decided it was time to finally paint my first full Renaissance army.  Since I've always found the English Civil War the most interesting period of the Renaissance, it was natural that I would choose an army from this war, and why choose Parliamentarian when you can choose Royalist!

So an early birthday present was orderd from Old Glory and I had 7 weeks to get the army ready.  With 5 days to spare, I'm pleased to say the army is ready!  Here are some pics of my new baby.

The commanders confer before the big battle
Two more commanders wave their hats at the crowds
Armoured cavaliers
Superior Unarmoured Cavaliers
Unarmoured Veteran Musketeers
Formations of Pike & Shot advance bravely (no-one told them they're only average)
And still more armoured Cavaliers take to the field.  Why wear armour, when a buff coat will do?
A unit of dismounted dragoons screen the advance
Superior Firelock armed infantry marching to the beat of the drums and in the direction pointed to by their captain
More Pike and Shot, not afraid to get their nice white uniforms dirty.
One last unit of Pike and Shot with a touch of Irish green
And finally, where would an army be without it's supply lines - these are the only non-Old Glory figures in the army - Essex wagons and pack horses (fancy letting Essex into a Royalist army!)
Good fun painting them all.  Now let's see how they fight in the tournament.  A couple of practice games over the last few weeks suggest it's a tough army, but knowing the rules would probably help.  Wish me luck.

Well the short postscript is that my army fought heroically winning 3 of it's 4 games and placing 2nd overall.  Not bad for their first outing :-)

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